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Category: Contaminants

Drinking Water to Fight Off Fevers, Coughs, and Cold: Does It Work? (Updated March 24th, 2019) Listen. Catching a cold or flu is no fun. The sniffling, sneezing, and coughing can be very discomforting for you and the people around you. Not to mention the lack of appetite, the severe dehydration, the pounding headaches, the […]

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The 12 Most Dangerous Contaminants Found in America’s Water Supply Imagine this. You wake up in the morning feeling excessively thirsty. You rush to the kitchen, grab a glass, and set it under your faucet. As soon as you turn on the tap, brown, dirty-looking water starts gushing into the glass. In an instant, you […]

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Manufacturing and Pharmaceutical Contaminants in Drinking Water Safe drinking water is a fundamental need for human life. Often, we hear about toxic agents like lead and other heavy metals being detected in public water systems. Today, the possible presence of pharmaceuticals and effluents from healthcare, manufacturing and production facilities in our drinking water points to […]

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How Do UV Systems Work and Why You Need One for Your Home For over a century, ultraviolet (UV) water purification has been one of the most powerful lines of defense against harmful biological contaminants in drinking water. UV systems offer superior protection from bacteria, viruses, molds, giardia, cryptosporidium and other disease-causing microorganisms likely present […]

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How Water Gets To Your Home We use it every day and trust that it will always be there for us, but have you ever considered how water gets from the original source to your faucets? A whopping 73% of the earth’s surface is water, so why are we encouraged to not waste water? SpringWell […]

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Maybe you consider yourself somewhat of an environmentalist. You recycle bottles, cans, and newspapers, religiously reuse the plastic grocery bags you accumulate, and you never, ever litter. Those are all great places to start, but have you considered the ways you may be polluting your water supply? Believe it or not, even the most well-meaning […]

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